The Heinz 57 Challenge – with movie star specials!

The Heinz 57 Challenge – with movie star specials!

Mr Rathbone and myself decided to celebrate spending 57 years on this here planet by attempting to consume 57 Heinz based meals in a year.  Did we manage it?  YES!  It was loads of fun as we sourced lots of Heinz things that aren’t on the supermarket shelves...
Jon Pertwee’s Spaghetti Flan

Jon Pertwee’s Spaghetti Flan

For the 3rd of the Heinz 57 extravaganzas, I had a fun cookalong with Jan Manthey – winner of the Vincent Price Cucumber Crocodile competition, cult film director extraordinaire, author and one of the frontmen of The Dylan Rabbit. Jan runs the most excellent...

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