by Jenny | 6 Mar, 2017 | Fred MacMurray
I had a LOT of sweet potatoes hanging around the flat after filming the making of a Sweet Potato Pie a couple of weeks ago. Whose Sweet Potato Pie? Patti LaBelle’s Sweet Potato Pie of course… Some of you may know all about the craze for...
by Jenny | 23 Sep, 2014 | Fred MacMurray
When there is a birthday at work I usually make a cake. As my life is pretty chaotic (which actually, I imagine anyone’s life is, in this day and age) I always rack my brains for something I can get up at 6 for, to make on the day, and not be too late for my 9.30am...
by Jenny | 2 Nov, 2012 | Fred MacMurray
Ooh what a rotten photo! The Recipe of the Month is UP – and it is easy, peasy, goooooooeeeeey and yummy. You make the cake mixture and then pour boiling water over the top and when you take it out of the oven and turn it upside down there is a ready...
by Jenny | 6 Jul, 2010 | Fred MacMurray
Love the quizzical look Fred! Also love your cake, which is baking as I write, filling my kitchen with a delicious chocolate aroma good enough to eat. YUM. It’s for my boss’s birthday tomorrow – this has got to be better than taking him an apple...
by Jenny | 14 Aug, 2009 | Fred MacMurray
“Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet” the saying goes and it is so lovely that people neither Ruthie nor I have ever met are rustling up Silver Screen Suppers dishes in kitchens all over the world. So a big thankyou goes out to Shirley in...
by Jenny | 7 Jun, 2008 | Fred MacMurray
I am in Ameriki! How fabulous. I am here with my sister of the skillet in La La Land after a riotous time at the Madonna Inn. The biggest jaw dropping moment was when we were having a Hollywood Martini in the bar and an elderly lady in a bright red pant suit was...
by Jenny | 4 Mar, 2008 | Fred MacMurray
“A cowboy actor needs two changes of expression – hat on and hat off.” Funnily enough I was just in the process of buying myself a self-tipping cowboy hat on Second Life when Max arrived on Sunday morning bearing a gift of two Brioche. They were a...
by Jenny | 1 Jun, 2007 | Fred MacMurray
“Suppose I bust out crying and put my head on your shoulder.” I’d give you a cuddle Fred. It is the first post using my swanky new MacBook computer. I was seduced by the marketing campaigns but it sure is perty. In advance of the MS Cake Break Day I...
by Jenny | 14 Mar, 2007 | Fred MacMurray
“The two films I did with Billy Wilder, ‘Double Indemnity’ and the ‘The Apartment’ are the only two parts I did in my entire career that required any acting.” Isn’t Fred handsome? The Summit has begun. I am in Delaware...