by Jenny | 15 Jan, 2021 | Sophia Loren
When I have some olives and anchovies knocking around the fridge my mind often suggests Spaghetti Puttanesca. I rustled this up just before Christmas and it was deliziosa (or maybe delizioso?). I don’t eat much pasta, but when I do I always think, “bloody...
by Jenny | 10 Sep, 2020 | Sophia Loren
When I unexpectedly found myself in M&S with Mr R recently my mind went absolutely blank, and then it went berserk. I have barely set foot in any shops apart from my corner shop in over six months and my brain was in overdrive. I could buy anything I wanted, right...
by Jenny | 4 Sep, 2018 | Sophia Loren
I am not quite sure how it can suddenly be September, what happened to August? I’ve been wondering what to propose for the recipe of the month and I made this zucchini dish last night and it was absolutely lovely, so this will be it! This might be a godsend for...
by Jenny | 6 Jun, 2018 | Sophia Loren
I am on holiday – yippee! But, if you are a burglar reading this, I have a big dog with sharp teeth looking after my flat. Here on Mersea Island every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon you can buy fish directly from the fishermen on the jetty. I love...
by Jenny | 14 May, 2018 | Bette Davis, Corinne Griffith, David Bowie, Elizabeth Taylor, Hal Linden, Irene Dunne, Joan Crawford, Natalie Wood, Ross Martin, Sophia Loren, Vincent Price, William Holden
I can’t believe that I’ve been writing this blog for 12 years – goodness me. So much has changed in that time. When I began I was a broken-hearted singleton living on a houseboat on the Thames. My tabletop cooker had to be turned on...
by Jenny | 30 Mar, 2018 | Sophia Loren
Just back from a wonderful four day holiday in Whitstable. In a huge break with tradition, I left my laptop at home. I am having a month without writing to rest my brain after all the Cooking With Columbo excitement. Writing a blog post is writing of...
by Jenny | 10 Jun, 2017 | Sophia Loren
Divine! As is tradition, while we are on our holidays on beautiful Mersea Island, staying in this fab fisherman’s cottage… we always buy freshly caught fish from the jetty, and make something film star related. This recipe was a BIG HIT. I know...
by Jenny | 15 Dec, 2015 | Sophia Loren
I live on the fourth floor of a block of flats so have no garden full of fresh herbs, however much I would like one. It drives me bananas when I’ve bought a big bunch of coriander, used a few sprigs and the rest has gone mulchy in the fridge. So...
by Jenny | 16 May, 2015 | Sophia Loren
I am at Brixiefest – Mr R’s new term for my self-imposed weekend of solitary writing and cooking. I have a lot to do, not least make a PIE for Yinzerella’s annual Pieathalon challenge. For the first of these last year I made Mile High...
by Jenny | 13 Apr, 2015 | Sophia Loren
Just before Easter, the lovely Matthew Coniam tipped me off to the fact that there was a copy of Sophia Loren’s Eat With Me cookbook on ebay for a reasonable price. I was on it like a car bonnet. I scored it for £6.99 – the only other copy on there...
by Jenny | 28 Feb, 2015 | Sophia Loren
March already tomorrow? Crikey! Sophia was pulled out of the pack for this month’s recipe: and there were plenty to choose from. Sophia is definitely an expert cook, she’s written several cookbooks… The one below I really want to...
by Jenny | 7 Feb, 2015 | Sophia Loren
My dad once told me that when he was younger, Sophia was his favourite pin-up. Is it any wonder? There are probably more photos of Sophia Loren with food knocking around the internet than any other actress. This is partly of course because she loves to cook, and has...
by Jenny | 6 Feb, 2015 | Sophia Loren
Have you ever gorged on fondue and woken up the next day feeling as though your whole body is composed of cheese? I have, a couple of times. Tonight I went to a fantastic “Butter Workshop” organised by the Guild of Food Writers and have eaten...