by Jenny | 3 Jan, 2019 | Corinne Griffith
I had a lovely, lovely Christmas with my folks. Hope yours was good too dear reader. Here’s a glimpse of the kind of delicious fare that was on offer chez Ma and Pa Hammerton in Suffolk… This was the Boxing Day feast. There was of course, my mum’s...
by Jenny | 14 May, 2018 | Bette Davis, Corinne Griffith, David Bowie, Elizabeth Taylor, Hal Linden, Irene Dunne, Joan Crawford, Natalie Wood, Ross Martin, Sophia Loren, Vincent Price, William Holden
I can’t believe that I’ve been writing this blog for 12 years – goodness me. So much has changed in that time. When I began I was a broken-hearted singleton living on a houseboat on the Thames. My tabletop cooker had to be turned on...
by Jenny | 20 Jan, 2016 | Corinne Griffith
Goodness me, it’s my 1,000th blog post! There are currently 6,281 recipes in my film star recipe spreadsheet, and it’s constantly growing. How on earth to choose what to make for this momentous post? I decided to sort them alphabetically and see what came...
by Jenny | 17 Dec, 2015 | Corinne Griffith
I wish I’d thought of asking Mr R if he’d like some Plumslard Porkkare for his dinner on Saturday. What a brilliant name for a big joint of pork! I’ve just googled Plumslard Porkkare and nothing comes up at all. Maybe Corinne made...
by Jenny | 29 Oct, 2015 | Corinne Griffith
Do you know what Old Bay is? If you are here from Maryland, USA I’m guessing that this is the dumbest question you ever heard. From dear old blighty? The answer is probably “no”. Well my friends, via the wonders of...
by Jenny | 12 Jul, 2015 | Corinne Griffith, Elsie Janis, Josh White
My July column for Eat Drink Films is up and it is all about the glorious baked bean. There are three recipes there, one from the gorgeous Corinne Griffith: one from Elsie Janis and one from Josh White: So if you like beans, and fancy checking out...
by Jenny | 17 May, 2015 | Corinne Griffith
On a Spinster’s Saturday there must be eggs. And here’s what I had yesterday for my breakfast. Oh yummy! These are so easy, and the recipe can be adapted for one, by making these in ramekins (I just had one, but wish I’d made two)....
by Jenny | 5 Jan, 2015 | Corinne Griffith
Mr Rathbone cooked a duck for our very own Christmas luncheon and I was chuffed when he said he wanted to use Corinne’s recipe. It was again utterly delicious, and I’ve decided to leave the recipe up as recipe of the month for January so do try it if...
by Jenny | 22 Dec, 2014 | Corinne Griffith
Aw, the lovely folks over at EatDrinkFilms have made a beautiful job of illustrating my column this month which is all about Corinne’s Christmas Pudding recipe. I particularly like this picture they chose, and I’ll be putting this headdress on next...
by Jenny | 15 Dec, 2014 | Corinne Griffith
When my mum offered me a frozen duck to take home when I visited recently she didn’t have to ask twice. It was a wild duck, shot by my brother on one of his expeditions. Now, I am not The Pioneer Woman (although obviously, secretly, I often wish I was) and I...
by Jenny | 20 Dec, 2013 | Corinne Griffith
As Chief Executive of Silver Screen Suppers I have made an executive decision. No newsletter this month and therefore no new recipe of the month. So Basil’s curry is up for another month – yipee! Life is just too crazy in December with...
by Jenny | 14 Jul, 2012 | Corinne Griffith
Quote from Black Narcissus: Q: What do nuns eat? A: Sausages. Quote from Silver Screen Suppers Towers: Q: What do spinsters eat? A: Eggs It did make me laugh when a gentleman caller asked me recently what I was reading and picked up my bedside book, “Eggs I Have...