by Jenny | 29 Dec, 2014 | Jimmy Stewart
I absolutely love it when readers of the blog get in touch with me. I’ve made chums that I will probably never meet in person this way, have swapped celebrity recipes with folks all around the world and have received some delightful photographs of people...
by Jenny | 2 Sep, 2014 | Jane Wyatt, Jimmy Stewart
I have a new friend in the kitchen. My chums Michelle and Tony are moving to Hastings soon and I won’t half miss them. Luckily I have inherited a whopping great cactus from them to look after. It now resides by the kitchen window and will no...
by Jenny | 21 Apr, 2013 | Jimmy Stewart
Another pie! This time made for Shane and Ewan who battled their way around the British transport system to get to me – Northern Line madness. The pie was made exactly to Jimmy’s recipe – including the pastry and I was quite proud of it BUT I don’t think it was as...
by Jenny | 14 Feb, 2011 | Jimmy Stewart
The lovely Arthur came for his birthday dinner and we had a Jimmy Stewart extravaganza. Although the provenance of the chicken recipe is dubious the apple pie is definitely Jimmy’s own. Shame I forgot the cheese in the pastry but it was still delicious (and I...
by Jenny | 23 Aug, 2010 | Jimmy Stewart
Well it took me almost all day to make Jimmy’s pie but it was worth it. Utterly delicious. I managed to break one of my favourite plates, cover the kitchen in home made chicken stock and smash a pyrex dish (which I thought was impossible) in the process but...
by Jenny | 18 Apr, 2010 | Barbara Stanwyck, Jimmy Stewart
Tonight’s post is a slow process because to be frank, I am absolutely sloshed. Usually a fast touch typist, tonight this is like typing underwater… My lovely Walthamstow chums have been over for lunch and it was supposed to be a dinner and a movie affair...
by Jenny | 26 Oct, 2009 | James Stewart, Jimmy Stewart
“I lasted one night. They said my playing spoiled people’s appetites.” Well Gene’s appetite certainly wasn’t affected last night. He ate TWO pieces of the pie and took one home with him this morning. We christened the splendid beast the...
by Jenny | 8 Jan, 2007 | Ann Sheridan, James Stewart, Jimmy Stewart
The rolling pin is a virgin no more. I don’t remember EVER making pastry without my mum being by my side telling me how it is done so I was VERY pleased with myself on Saturday when my chicken pie was a triumph! Both Rosalind and Jimmy Stewart himself...
by Jenny | 10 Jul, 2006 | James Stewart, Jimmy Stewart
“Not all of us were working at the same time, but enough of us. Hank Fonda knew how to cook rice. We lived pretty much on a rice diet.” On Friday Rosalind came over to the tub bringing her lovely new beau Jimmy Stewart. I thought I should cook him...