Just a quick post today as I’m off to get my fringe cut – I’ll not be taking this picture of Ann to the hairdresser though.
Another feedback report from Dale’s Star Spangled Rhythm party. As she is off this weekend to turkey wrangle at the annual Turkeyfest in Cuero, Texas I thought I would wish her luck. Apparently she gets to wear an umpire’s outfit and blow a whistle, I am so jealous.
Ann’s Salad Dressing turned out to be a bit like Thousand Island – with caviar. I am loving Dale’s detailed information about pimento though! A recurring theme throughout this project is how to define the pimento. Dale used a “jarred whole fire roaster pimento” in this dish. Where on earth would I get one of those outside the Lone Star State? Pimento, Pimiento, shimiento…
I was just reading Ann Harding’s Hollywood Salad Dressing. I grew up on a ranch in Meyersville, TX south of Cuero, TX. Went to high school in Cuero. I herded turkeys in the Turkeyfest growing up. What a small world. What a hoot to see that.
Hi Troy! Thanks for stopping by. I’m so pleased that I brought a little bit of joy into your day – Jenny x