Boris went viral this week! A big thank-you to all the readers who emailed me a link to his guacamole recipe – it’s all over the place on t’interweb. I took it as a sign that it should be the recipe of the month – and so it is – you can see it here for about a month from today’s date. If you are dropping by sometime into the future if you google Guacamole Boris Karloff you are sure to find it.
Here’s how it turned out:
It was very good guacamole but I was a bit worried when Mr Rathbone took me down the towpath for a snog last night that I had onion breath. He didn’t seem to mind…
Here’s Boris having the more traditional British snack of tea and toast…
Which reminds me to mention that I now have a pinterest page of film stars eating and drinking so if you find any pix on your travels send ’em on over – ditto film star recipes – the more the merrier.