Home Movie Day at the Cinema Museum in Kennington was fabulous. I spun the shellac for 3 hours in the afternoon as an accompaniment to some fantastic home movies. There were some 1960s chicks with some REMARKABLE hairdos up on the big screen for all to see! There’s a photo of me with George who works at the museum here.
Lovely Charley phoned me as I was on my way home and offered to cook me dinner. What a fabulous friend he is. We had SUCH a fun night huddled around his laptop by the fire watching Laurel and Hardy. Yes, dear friends, I admit it, I am now a convert. I admit, I’d had two vodka martinis and several cans of beer but I was laughing like a drain, pounding my fist on the table and clapping my hands like a performing seal at the zoo. Charley seemed very pleased that I have so obviously got the joke at last. I made him replay the scene where Ollie gets dragged across a busy road by a large dog many times. “I am pleased you can laugh at the same thing five times over” he said. Well yes! I think we saw the dance from Way Out West about 3 times and Stan eating the spaghetti made of string about 4 times but there was no way I could have watched the tickling scene again. I was in pain from laughing so much.
Lucky Charley was there to explain what a “Bacon Grabber” was. And also to put me right when I kept referring to the films as “episodes” which made him shake his head and say, “Honestly, honestly…” I may well surprise him by turning up at the next Sons of the Desert meeting wearing a fez.
Anyhow, got to dash as he’s coming over for pork chops and I am WAY BEHIND. What happened to today? Titchmarsh is on the radio already…
It’s as well you’ve come round to L&H as I firmly believe that a person who doesn’t like them is not to be trusted.
This is not the first time I have heard of your liking for the Ollie-pulled-down-the-street-by-a-dog sequence, and I confess with shame that I can’t instantly place it. What film is it from?
Yes, I think you are probably right! I am so glad I have got down off my high horse and got over thinking L&H are just for boys.
The doggy sequence is in “Bacon Grabbers” I think. It’s genious. It makes me laugh right now just thinking about it. Ha ha!
Ah, that explains it. I haven’t seen that one. Even since I’ve acquired my gorgeous complete box-set I’ve been sticking to the talkies. I shall go and watch it right now.
Mystery solved! Very funny. And Jean Harlow, too!