Back to business. I have come out of my funk, partly because Ruthie sent me some photos of us in matching aprons that were taken in Texas. I was laughing so hard at them that when the phone rang at work I could barely speak. You can see one on the About page. This was the least lascivious of the lot – ha ha! We were having a lot of fun posing for these, trying to get a decent “authors” picture for our imaginary book sleeve. If the book ever does come out I think we should pose like the stars of the 1940s, nude on bearskins.
I’m on a mission to go through all the test cook reports and bloggem! First to pop up in a fairly random selection process is the report from Will in Warrington on John’s steak. This is a dish I haven’t tried myself yet so it was intriguing to read Will’s comments. Basically the idea is that you cover a steak with mustard and a tonne of sugar and stick it under the grill until the sugar solidifies. You then crack off the sugar which has sealed in all the juices and scoff.
Alas, as Will points out, the modern electric grill just doesn’t get hot enough for the sugar to act in the required manner. Bring back the gas grill! He took some photos which are over on the flickr page including this one showing the melted goo that ensued. The goo that ensued – good name for a band… Is there anyone out there with a gas grill who fancies testing this one for us?