Well yesterday was quite a day. It all started quite peacefully with a walk in Highgate Woods…
and ended with a raucous party for two in my kitchen. Much booze was drunk, much dancing was done and many transatlantic texts flew through the ether between me in North London and my beloved Frickster in Austin, Texas.
Between all the brouhaha I managed to construct Ron’s dish for our dinner. It took longer than expected but that was mostly due to the fact that Mr R was DJing via YouTube and playing such excellent tunes I kept having to stop and have a boogie. This one summed up the feeling of the evening, sung at high volume by us both…
Ron’s dish seemed a perfectly Autumnally toned dinner for a perfectly Autumnally toned day. I am now READY for lockdown #2. I am happy and I can cope with whatever gets chucked at me. Fortified by pork! Cooked in the family brew…
Here are some Autumn hued photos. We both liked this dinner but thought maybe you might want to use ALL beer instead of beer and water. For what is water FOR when you can use beer instead?
We began working our way through the coctktail cabinet with a very Autumny flavoured Oh Henry! Cocktail. Tasty.
We can’t get pearl onions here, so I used some cheeky little shallots.
I didn’t have a pot big enough to cook all of this lovely stuff in so I used my biggest Le Crueset and my biggest saucepan. This recipe makes LOADS!
This one will definitely be going in the Murder, She Cooked book.
It’s good old fashioned fodder. There are still a few recipes up for grabs so if you’d like to test cook something, skip over here. During Lockdown #2 I am going FULL TILT on editing the episode guides for seasons 1-6. Can I do it in 4 weeks? By the power of NaNoWriMo I just might…
I remember that cocktail cabinet ! And looks like a nice cocktail . But what a great supper that looks for a winter’s night . I can almost taste it from that photo !
It was real rib sticking stuff! Got some for my lunch today too – yum!
I made this stew and it was great! All beer is the way to go. I also just used a large onion, which worked out just fine. It was great for the first chilly weekend in Southern California. Thank you for this one!
Oh wonderful Brandyce! I am going to drop you a quick email to ask if it would be OK to use this feedback in the forthcoming Murder, She Cooked book, it’s perfect!