Here’s what to do with any leftovers from Vincent’s Friday Chicken or any chicken I guess. After mentioning this recipe recently, I was very pleased to find this blog post hanging around in my drafts folder. This was written soon after the UK went into a 3-month Covid-19 lockdown.

In those early days, we still got REALLY EXCITED about seeing people on Zoom!
This is a humdinger of a recipe and when I read this blogpost at some point in the far and distant future, it will remind me of a very special night spent with lots of lovely Vincent Price fans during the Covid-19 pandemic.

I made Vincent Price’s Cannelloni as my dish for this event, and it was SPECTACULAR – the dish and the zoom party both! This was a virtual Vincent Price dinner party organised by Vincent Price’s daughter Victoria and my chum Peter Fuller of The Vincent Price Legacy UK. Folks all around the world ate together and chatted about Vincent and his love of food via Zoom. It made my heart glad to put faces to names. Lots of folks who have volunteered to test cook recipes for the Co*Star book were there.

Plus I spotted a couple of lovely Stateside folk who came to the Vincent Price breakfast event I organised with Peter Fuller at Harrods for the launch of the 50th edition of A Treasury of Great Recipes with Victoria too.

It really was such a joyful evening and cheered me up no end. Peter has written all about it on his blog, so skip over there to get a flavour of the fabulousness of it all.
Here’s a few pix of the Cannelloni. This really was a winner of a recipe and a brilliant way of using up some cooked chicken I had in the freezer. Highly recommended!

I made half of Vincent’s recipe for me and Mr Rathbone and boy oh boy I wished I’d made the whole thing. I loved this so much, I immediately wanted some more!

Thanks to Vincent, Victoria and Peter for bringing JOY through food, fun and friendship to my lockdown.

I love canneloni, but I can’t be faffed to make my own pasta. I’m still not quite recovered from trying to make my own tortillas and that must be twenty years ago now.
Hahahah – tortillas I can do (I even have a fancy tortilla press which I think I have used exactly once) but pasta I have never attempted. It was on my list of things to amuse myself with during lockdown 1 but never got around to it. I was going to follow a Sophia Loren recipe. Maybe that’s what I’ll do on my birthday?!