I hate to waste food as much as the next hippie, but in the case of Tessie’s soup I had to make an exception. Her way of pimping up a can of condensed soup is slightly bonkers but at its heart, sensible. Add some garlic salt, chicken stock cubes, salt and pepper and voila! Pimped soup!

My mistake was to use leftover soup from the Dwayne Hickman House of Hickman Chicken rather than getting a fresh new can from my well-stocked pantry…

Spot the spaghetti ‘oops!

The tupperwared soup had been in my fridge for a few days and the celery soup had a strange pinkish hue on the top. I was scared to eat a whole bowlful of Tessie’s soup but I had a few spoonfuls. I think I need to try this again with a brand new can of soup. Will I? I doubt it!

These have finally left the building…

This is the 6th recipe I’ve tried from Tessie’s Slimming Cookbook – my challenge was to make one recipe a month so a few more to come this year. They have all been i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g. The soup was funnily enough from the SOUP chapter…

To be honest, there are some HORRORS in that chapter so I got away lightly with this one. Next chapter is FISH, plenty of madness there to choose from, Tessie is back on form with her bonkers recipe titles. I’m tempted by the Smoked Salmon Goodies…

Goodies! Goody, goody, yum, yum!

Until then, here’s Tessie’s slightly mad, but ultimately quite sensible pimped up condensed soup special.

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