Yay! It’s that time of year again!

The time when Yinzerella over at the

Luckily for me, I can link this recipe to a movie star. Because I had never heard of such a thing until my chum Mark Brisenden mentioned a few weeks ago that he often makes Humphrey Bogart’s spaghetti LOAF with leftover

Another lovely link is the fact that Greg over at Recipes4Rebels

…ended up with the recipe I submitted, Ron Masak’s Artichoke Pie.

Oh yes, SHERIFF METZGER OF CABOT COVE! I cannot wait to read Greg’s account of how it turned out! Oh, and one more thing. Mark found Humph’s recipe for Spaghetti Loaf in Greg’s wonderful cookbook, Recipes For Rebels.

Don’t you love it when things come full circle?
So here’s my spaghetti pie! It was such a fun thing to make

and whaddya know? It was DELICIOUS!

This is a HUGE pie – goodness knows when I’ll eat the rest of it, but when I have, I will make a Humphrey Bogart Spaghetti Loaf for sure!
You want to make a spaghetti pie too dontcha? Well here you go!

This recipe was selected for the

I am almost tempted to get me a copy so I can make this splendiferous item!

If you like the idea of being part of a fun cookalong like this, even if you are not a blogger, please consider signing up to my Murder, She Wrote Cookalong – recipes on offer are here…
First our hostess Yinzerella makes the mental Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie
Lots more fabulous pie-links!
- Dr. Bobb: Macaroon Pie
- Kitchen Confidence: Betty Crocker Hawaiian Pie
- Culinary Adventures with Camilla: Flaming Peach Pie
- Recipes4Rebels: Artichoke Pie
- The Homicidal Homemaker: Bamberry Turnovers
- The Nostalgic Cook: Cheese Applesauce Pie
- Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en: Angel Pie
- Vintage Recipe Cards: Salmon Custard Pie
- Vincent Price Legacy UK: Weight Watchers Cherrie Pies
- Granny Pantries: Banana Split Pie
- A Book of Cookrye: Huntington Fidget Pie
- Retro Food for Modern Times: Honey Cream Cheese Pie
Wow that does look rather fabulous! Bring us each a slice for tomorrow evening??
I always use up leftover spaghetti this way, I didn’t know I was making pie all this time!
Bravo on your Spaghetti Pie (and yes, sure looks like a close cousin to Bogey’s Spaghetti Loaf)! Yours looks great! How funny that I got YOUR recipe this year (2nd time in the Pieathalon I’ve gotten a recipe from you)? Ron Masak’s Artichoke Pie worked out perfectly for me! (And it was really good too!)
YAY! So glad that Spaghetti Pie was both fun to make and to eat. I love Pieathalon. FYI–I have already made my Murder She Wrote dish.
I was expecting a pie crust full of spaghetti. I didn’t think the spaghetti would BE the crust, or that it’d actually hold together when you sliced it. You never know what you’ll discover when you let strange recipes in the house!
That’s not what I was expecting when I saw the name, but it sounds good!
A spaghetti crust seems like a great way to use up leftover noodles! I’ll bet this would be pretty easy to adapt with whatever other leftovers are on hand as a somewhat novel way to avoid food waste (and amuse/ horrify the family).
Okay, this sounds really good to me. I’m totally going to try making this with vegetarian-friendly Beyond Meat crumbles!
Interesting, Jenny! I have made spaghetti pie in the past, but it always has had a tomato/spaghetti sauce filling. Enjoyable read and fun seeing your photos!